About Kristinit
Established in 2007, the Kristinit brand (/kris-tin-NĒT/) embodies a passion for beauty, a commitment to women's empowerment, and a dedication to supporting important causes such as environmental conservation and women's health. According to founder Kristina, there is a pressing need for women to take a stand and make a difference in the world.

Her First Love
On the weekends, when other kids were outside playing in the dirt, Kristina immersed herself in old movies, watching Marlene Dietrich or Lana Turner slink across the screen, heroines of their own story, elevated to untouchable heights of confidence and glamour, due in large part to the costumes they wore. This was the stuff of dreams. Kristina was discovering her calling.

Obsessed with Hollywood Costumes
For 20 years, Kristina studied everything about fashion she could get her hands on, to the point of becoming a walking encyclopedia of fashion and costume history. She was particularly obsessed with 1930s Hollywood costumes and expressed her love in hundreds and hundreds of illustrations of costumes.

And then everything changed...
In 2016, Kristina’s life changed forever when she lost her wonderfully talented and beloved younger sister Laura, who died shortly after giving birth to her second child. Suddenly, these lifelong beliefs of love and feminine strength that had always propelled Kristina forward, became critical to her ability to turn tragedy into hope.